Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Great Week

Well, this last week everything went perfectly with Pablo. He was baptized on Saturday, and I am not going to lie, I think he will be one of my most powerful converts. He is going to be great! Pablo even bore his testimony that after we first visited with him, he had a dream of entering a church and then being washed by water. That first Sunday he came to church with us, it was the church in his dream and he knew that he had to be baptised and go there.To add to the miracle, when we first found him, we were walking by where his house was and we had actually walked passed it, but I had the feeling to go back and knock on his door, so I did. Because of that moment we now have another priesthood holder in the church.

So yes, things are going well. We also had another family come to church this week, it was really good!

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